CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS T0 The Main Street Comedy Show
Friday Nights at 7:30pm > $15 > ALL AGES
The Main Street Comedy Show is a delightful mix of storytelling and improv comedy that you do not want to miss!
Each show features a guest Storyteller who will delight and amuse the audience with true life stories after which the improvisers will create spontaneous comedy! this Week’s guest is Vice Mayor Jenn Duff:

Elected to the Mesa City Council in November of 2018, Councilmember Jenn Duff began her first term representing District 4 in January of 2019. She was named Vice Mayor of Mesa on January 11, 2021. Her term on the Council runs until January of 2023.
A Mesa native with British family roots that go back to Falcon Field during World War II, Duff is very active in the Mesa community. She spent six years on the Board of Directors of the i.d.e.a. Museum. She has served on the City of Mesa Planning and Zoning Board and co-founded the Retail, Arts, Innovation and Livability (R.A.I.L) Community Development Corporation. In 2015 she was awarded the Mesa Community College Hall of Fame Alumni Achievement Award. In 2021 Duff received the LISC Phoenix Annual Exemplary Advocate Award for her work supporting the Downtown Mesa community.
Duff is the President and Owner of Jef International, Inc., an import/export trading business specializing in sport fishing tackle. She started the business in 1990, following six years as a Professional Bass Angler. She was recognized as the top woman pro bass angler in the Southwest and is the only American woman to ever compete professionally in Japan. Duff lived in Japan in 1989 competing and promoting the sport. Duff is also the former owner of Lobina Lures, which manufactured and distributed Rico brand topwater bass fishing lures since 1991. Prior to her career in sport fishing, Duff worked as a buyer for Goldwater’s department store for six years.
Duff is a graduate of Mesa High and earned her Associate in Arts in Fashion Merchandising from Mesa Community College. She completed the Mesa Leadership Training and Development in 2012, Neighborhood Works Leadership Training in 2012, the Mesa Chamber Leadership Development Program in 2018 and the Mesa Fire and Medical Inaugural Citizen’s Academy in 2018. She currently is part of the second class of the Smart Growth America Complete Streets Champions Institute.
To learn more call or text 602-374-5638, visit or email