Specialty Classes

Improv & Sketch Comedy Curriculum

Along with all the regular curriculum offered at The Neighborhood Comedy Theatre, we offer a variety of opportunites to bring in special teachers and performers from accross the country to teach.  check back here from time to time or sign up on our mailing list to keep updated on specialty classes and workshops. 

Upcoming Classes

Check back frequently for our specialty classes

The Harold Advanced improv class at the neighborhood comedy theatre in downtown mesa.

Improvised Shakespeare Class:

Bard-Vember Drop-In Workshop Series!

The first three Sundays in November  Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Get ready to dive into the world of Shakespeare with a twist of improvisation in our Bard-Vember Drop-In Workshops! Whether you’re a fan of the Bard or just looking for a fun, new way to hone your improv skills, these sessions are perfect for you.

The Harold Advanced improv class at the neighborhood comedy theatre in downtown mesa.

Characters! Characters! Characters:
Advanced Improv Workshop


Sunday December 22 @ 2:30 pm  4:30 pm


Sharpen the skills used to create unforgettable characters with our Character improv class. Over six weeks, you’ll dive deep into the core skills that every improviser needs: building believable characters with clear points of view and playing the “game” of the scene to its fullest comedic potential.

Whether you’re looking to refine your skills or explore improv for the first time, this workshop will teach you how to confidently create and play memorable characters while identifying and elevating the comedic elements of every scene.


Theatre Under Construction

Customer Parking
Improv Student Parking
Cast Parking

Address: 711 East Main Street (Just east of Pioneer Park)

If you reach the round-about you have gone too far.

Phone number: (602) 374-5638

Doors Open at 7:00pm

Show Times: 7:30pm same as always

Address: 711 East Main Street (Just east of Pioneer Park)

If you reach the round-about you have gone too far.

Phone number: (602) 374-5638

Doors Open at 7:00pm

Classes start at 7:00pm, as normal

Address: 711 East Main Street (Just east of Pioneer Park)

Cast Parking: 637 E Main St, Mesa, AZ 85203

Cars HAVE TO BE OUT by 10:30pm or risk tow

If you reach the round-about you have gone too far.

Phone number: (602) 374-5638

Doors Open at 7:00pm

Show Times: 7:30pm same as always