“Speak out a little bit more…” NCT Workshop Testimonial #4

Bridget shares what brought her to NCT Improv Comedy workshops. Are you intersted in speaking out more? Having fun and learning something new? Beginning Improv workshops kick off again on October 12th… don’t hesitate, live your best life starting NOW!

Call 602-374-5638 or workshops@nctphoenix.com to learn more or REGISTER ONLINE at https://nctphoenix.com/ticketsystem/


Theatre Under Construction

Customer Parking
Improv Student Parking
Cast Parking

Address: 711 East Main Street (Just east of Pioneer Park)

If you reach the round-about you have gone too far.

Phone number: (602) 374-5638

Doors Open at 7:00pm

Show Times: 7:30pm same as always

Address: 711 East Main Street (Just east of Pioneer Park)

If you reach the round-about you have gone too far.

Phone number: (602) 374-5638

Doors Open at 7:00pm

Classes start at 7:00pm, as normal

Address: 711 East Main Street (Just east of Pioneer Park)

Cast Parking: 637 E Main St, Mesa, AZ 85203

Cars HAVE TO BE OUT by 10:30pm or risk tow

If you reach the round-about you have gone too far.

Phone number: (602) 374-5638

Doors Open at 7:00pm

Show Times: 7:30pm same as always