NCT’s New Year’s Resolutions!

Happy 2016 to YOU (the Audience!)

We are very excited to be kicking off another hilarious, spontaneous and interactive year of improv comedy over here at Neighborhood Comedy Theatre! The cast and crew over here at NCT are always looking for new and exciting ways to improve, expand and grow our “Yes, And!” attitude into even more exciting awesomenes. This year we have a few New Years Resolutions that we would love to share with you!

Keep the Competitive Comedy Show Exciting
Aiming to keep things fresh and creative at a spontaneous Competitive Comedy Show that is, honestly, IMPOSSIBLE to do the same way twice might seem pretty easy. But we here at NCT never like to do anything the easy way! This year we will be trying out some new, super fun stuff at the Friday & Saturday night Competitive Comedy Shows. Could it be the return of the Bucket of DOOM? Perhaps the Colander of Chaos? Drink specials at the Late Shows? The good news is, you won’t have to look far or wait long to find out. Click Here to grab some tickets to an upcoming Competitive Comedy Show!

Get To Know The Players
Improv Comedy Shows at NCTYou see them up there on the stage, we know you have some fan favorites and, after all, these are the guys and gals who make you laugh week after week at NCT’s improv comedy shows… but who are the mysterious men and women behind the NCT Main Stage improv comedy team? What makes Dorian tick? What is Heath’s favorite color? Does Krissy like to play Jenga? How does Bob come up with all those puns? 2016 just might be the year that YOU (the Audience!) get a peek behind the curtain at the folks to make the funny for you!

Interact With YOU (the Audience!) In New Ways
One of our favorite things about the improv comedy shows, workshops, and other special events at NCT is how much we get to interact with you guys out there in the audience. HOWEVER! In 2016 we at NCT are making it our goal to find even more exciting, interactive and incredibly awesome ways to interact with you and for YOU to interact with US! Social Media contests for cool prizes? Maybe! More pics of you on the site and online? Could be! Stay tuned to find out more… if you haven’t already, friend us on Facebook – tweet us on Twitter – gaze upon our Instagram or get in on Google+

Offer Even More Improv Comedy Workshops for All Ages
That’s right! Look for announcements of more Level 1 Workshops, Instant Improv classes, Teen Improv Workshops and Kids Improv Classes! If you can’t wait for the new exciting opportunities coming up- the NEXT Level 1: Intro to Improv class begins Tuesday January 19th! Call us for more… 602-374-5638

Jolly Holiday Fun at NCT
We love hosting hilarious holiday fun at Neighborhood Comedy Theatre and 2016 will be no exception. From St. Patricks Uncensored to Mama-Rama, the Cheesy Tie Weekend and more, we LOVE celebrating every little holiday we can with YOU (the Audience!) Have an idea for a fun holiday show we might be missing? Let us know in the comments!

Be Interesting & Be Awesome
As always, the key to becoming an interesting and awesome improv comedian on stage is to be an interesting and awesome human being in real life! Therefore, in 2016, the cast and crew of Neighborhood Comedy Theatre will be even more committed to becoming as interesting, awesome, diverse and entertaining as ever!

Come see us in 2016!


Theatre Under Construction

Customer Parking
Improv Student Parking
Cast Parking

Address: 711 East Main Street (Just east of Pioneer Park)

If you reach the round-about you have gone too far.

Phone number: (602) 374-5638

Doors Open at 7:00pm

Show Times: 7:30pm same as always

Address: 711 East Main Street (Just east of Pioneer Park)

If you reach the round-about you have gone too far.

Phone number: (602) 374-5638

Doors Open at 7:00pm

Classes start at 7:00pm, as normal

Address: 711 East Main Street (Just east of Pioneer Park)

Cast Parking: 637 E Main St, Mesa, AZ 85203

Cars HAVE TO BE OUT by 10:30pm or risk tow

If you reach the round-about you have gone too far.

Phone number: (602) 374-5638

Doors Open at 7:00pm

Show Times: 7:30pm same as always