nct pokestop activating pokemon go lure modules before this weekend’s improv comedy shows
Are you out there trying to catch em all? Is your Pokedex starting to fill up? Have you evolved a million Pidgeys yet?
Whether you are just curious about playing Pokemon Go or you are already a Level 10 Trainer, you are invited to join the cast of NCT this weekend for a Poke Party before EVERY show!
Improv comedy shows happen Friday and Saturday and begin at 7:30pm and 9:45pm. The comedians will activate Pokemon Go Lure Modules at the NCT Pokestop for 30 minutes before each show begins. Catch a Pokemon at NCT and save $2 on admission when you stick around for the show.
Come out to the theater, catch some exciting new Pokemon, and then catch some hilarious and spontaneous improv comedy!
Friday & Saturday Early Showtimes- Lure Module 6:55- 7:25pm Showtime 7:30pm
Friday & Saturday Late Showtimes- Lure Modeule 9:10- 9:40pm Showtime 9:45pm
NCT is so excited to be a Pokestop! Have you caught any exciting or rare Pokemon at NCT? What are some great places around the Valley to catch exciting or rare Pokemon? Let us know!