Meet the newest Performers in our Neighborhood Daniel Lok

short bio:

Daniel Lok joined The Neighborhood Comedy Theatre in March of 2023 and is thrilled to be here. He is an Arizona native who loves playing Dungeons and Dragons, which led him to his first improv class at Improvmania (now Mic Drop Mania) back in August of 2022. When not on stage he can be seen slinging discs at Chandler Ultimate Frisbee pickup games or cosplaying at local conventions with his significant other.

What’s one thing you want everyone to know about you:

Shameless plug I host the tabletop roleplaying game podcast One Shot at a Time please check it out.

Also electric eels technically aren’t eels. They are actually closer to catfish and carp.

what do you like about improv:

Improv is a shared moment with everyone in the room. Where life can be absurd and within minutes it becomes a memory… Unless it’s recorded now it becomes data.