special offer for teachers during the month of may at national comedy theatre… BOGO!
Teacher’s BOGO offer! This offer begins Friday May 6 and continues through Saturday May 28th. Teacher’s BOGO is available at ANY Friday or Saturday Improv Comedy Show or May 19th Improv Uncensored Show.
Teachers of the Valley- Gosh you work hard! You’re almost there! Summer is around the corner! While you count the minutes, we think you deserve a night of laughs with a friend! Through the month of May Teachers admission is Buy One Get One Free!
Are you a High School teacher? Junior high? Kindergarten? This show is for you! Come visit NCT for a night of good clean fun and bring a friend or two! Giggle the night away! Are you a P.E. teacher? A music teacher? A ceramics instructor? Come visit NCT for a hilarious evening of entertainment, featuring Buy One Get One FREE admission! Do you teach astrophysics? You are invited too! And please, come talk to us after the show- we love to discuss particle acceleration!
THE IMPORTANT THING is to Call 602-374-5638 for your custom discount code.
That is right- a CUSTOM discount code just for you and your friend to visit NCT for our May Teacher’s BOGO!