Main Street Comedy Show featuring Michael Yudell:
Friday August 5th 7:30 pm $15.00
The Main Street Comedy Show is a delightful mix of storytelling and improv comedy that you do not want to miss!
Each show features a guest Storyteller who will delight and amuse the audience with true life stories after which the improvisers will create spontaneous comedy! This weeks guest is Michael Yudell:
Mike Yudell is a public health scientist whose work focuses on the history and ethics of public health and medicine. He is the author of several books, including Race Unmasked: Biology and Race in the 20th Century and Welcome to the Genome: A User’s Guide to the Genetic Past, Present, and Future. With Emery Lucey, Yudell is writing A Way of Being Human, a history of autism spectrum disorders. On a much lighter note, Yudell performs at the Crossroads Comedy Theater in Philadelphia in the long-running improv/storytelling show Study Hall.
To learn more call or text 602-374-5638, visit or email