Coming May the 4th- the Improvised SPACE Musical

The Musical Catering Co presents: The Improvised “SPACE” Musical

We bring you an eve​ning where the sto​ry​line, mel​o​dies, and lyr​ics are cre​ated on the spot, in​spired by YOU!, “The Au​di​ence”.

Our tal​ented troupe of per​form​ers, equipped with the mu​sical prow​ess of Johnny “Quan​tum” Sm​e​tek, awaits your sug​gest​ions that will help craft this one of a kind show.

Our im​pro​vised mu​sical breaks the hyper​space wall, in​vit​ing you to be more than just a spec​ta​tor. You are a co-cre​a​tor, in​flu​enc​ing the di​rec​tion of the per​form​ance with your neu​ral ideas.

Dont miss this one of a kind performance on Saturday May the 4th at 9:30pm!

get tickets: 


Theatre Under Construction

Customer Parking
Improv Student Parking
Cast Parking

Address: 711 East Main Street (Just east of Pioneer Park)

If you reach the round-about you have gone too far.

Phone number: (602) 374-5638

Doors Open at 7:00pm

Show Times: 7:30pm same as always

Address: 711 East Main Street (Just east of Pioneer Park)

If you reach the round-about you have gone too far.

Phone number: (602) 374-5638

Doors Open at 7:00pm

Classes start at 7:00pm, as normal

Address: 711 East Main Street (Just east of Pioneer Park)

Cast Parking: 637 E Main St, Mesa, AZ 85203

Cars HAVE TO BE OUT by 10:30pm or risk tow

If you reach the round-about you have gone too far.

Phone number: (602) 374-5638

Doors Open at 7:00pm

Show Times: 7:30pm same as always